
Send Me Your Titles, Your Catalogs, Your Missing Favorites [Translation Database Update]

It’s been way, way too long since we last updated the Translation Databases. But in my defense, over the summer my computer—where the database was stored—basically stopped functioning, and it’s taken months to gather up the mental energy to get back into this . . . But at long last, everything’s been updated and I’ve even uploaded the (little) information I have for 2011.

Usually when we update this I include some sort of analysis of where the translated titles are coming from (in terms of language and publishing house), or how this year compares to last, etc. But looking over this data, I’m 99% sure that I’m missing a lot of titles and that any conclusions I could try and draw would be totally flawed. (Right now, there are 274 titles included in the 2010 database, compared to 357 in 2009.)

So, I’ll hold off on comparisons for the moment, and instead beg all translators, booksellers, publishers, and readers to tell me what’s missing. Remember, we only keep track of fiction and poetry that has never before been published in English. No new translations of Rilke poems, or reissues of other classic books.

To see what we’ve identified so far, click here for the database listing all 2010 titles, and click here for the few I’ve entered for 2011.

And if you know of any missing titles, just send me (chad.post [at] rochester.edu) the ISBN, title, author, translator, and any other info you might have. (Although it’s pretty easy to look things up so long as you send those first four pieces of info.)

Thanks in advance for all your help, and I’ll update this again in a couple weeks . . . complete with hopefully not-too-terribly-depressing analysis and commentary.

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