
Another Nobel Prize Odds Update

Bob Dylan is now listed at 5/1 making him the favorite for this year’s Nobel Prize in Literature. I find this very confusing. Bob Dylan? Nobel Prize in Literature? I doubt he’ll win, but in a way, it would be awesomely fitting after all of the complaints over the past few years that a) Americans don’t win often enough and b) Philip Roth deserves it. It would be a pretty awesome way of shutting down part of those complaints . . .

For a much more informative overview of this year’s Nobel Prize, definitely check out Michael Orthofer’s post at the Literary Saloon:

Summing up, for now: I’ve seen nothing to change my mind or expand the list of candidates I think are in the closer running (though I’m tempted to add Can Xue to the possible contenders) and my favorites remain: Ibrahim al-Koni, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Amos Oz, and Juan Goytisolo; with a second tier of contenders consisting of Nuruddin Farah, Murakami Haruki, and Philip Roth (with honorable mention for the really dark horses Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, Shahrnush Parsipur, Gerald Murnane, and C.K.Stead).

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