
EVENT – Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011: International Writers from the Ledig House

Our big Reading the World Conversation Series events for the fall are just about to start, with our first event happening next Tuesday. If you’re near the Rochester (NY) area, please come and check it out. Here are the intoxicating details on event #1:

Reading the World Conversation Series:
International Writers from the Ledig House

OCTOBER 25, 2011
Tuesday, 6:00 p.m
Welles-Brown Room, Rush Rhees Library
University of Rochester
(Free and open to the public.)

Ledig House is home to one of the nation’s only international writers’ residencies. Every year, two dozen critically acclaimed writers and translators from around the world visit the Ledig House, where they work on their individual projects and learn from their fellow writers. And for the past three years, we’ve been privileged to have some of their residents visit Rochester and read from their work.

This year’s scheduled guests include: Anna Mioni (Italy), translator of more than fifty novels and works of non-ficiton; Francesc Serés (Catalonia), author of the trilogy On Manure and Marble and recipient of the National Prize for Literature; Chika Unigwe (Nigeria/Belgium), a former Rockefeller Foundation Fellow and author of On Black Sisters Street; and Mads Mygind (Denmark), author of several poetry collections and the founder of the Verbale Pupiller poetry festival.

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(This event is presented by Open Letter and University of Rochester Arts & Sciences. It is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York State Council on the Arts.)

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