
Time for An Announcement [ALTA 2012]

With this year’s American Literary Translators Association conference just around the corner (Kansas City better prepare itself), this seems like a good time to announce that the 2012 conference will take place from October 3-6 right here in Rochester, NY.

We’ll be posting a lot of details about this over the next few months, but I really wanted to share my excitement about being able to host one of the best annual conferences out there. ALTA is the best place to network with other translators, to discuss interesting facets of translation, and to generally have a good time.

ALTA Rochester is going to be amazing, with the host hotel being the Strathallan and most of the events taking place at the Memorial Art Gallery. On top of that though, we’ll have a lot of after-hours stuff going on throughout the city, and I’m personally committed to making this one of the most memorable ALTAs ever. (I realize how that might sound, especially considering my unwavering desire to throw a rave in Rochester’s abandoned subway system. But trust me—no one will get hurt.)

For those of you who will be in Kansas City later this month, we should definitely talk about possible panels, etc., etc. And for everyone else—especially translators and NY-based publishing folk—mark your 2012 calendars now.

I’ll post a 2011 ALTA preview next week, and will be sending many dispatches from the conference itself the week after, but in the meantime, be sure to check out the current schedule of events.

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