
Three Percent #24: All Sound Is Music to Someone

In this week’s podcast we take a break from that books thing to talk about the best music of 2011 according to me (Chad W. Post) and guest host Will Cleveland. Nathan Furl and Six (aka Elizabeth Mullins) also throw in their opinions about a ten artists, including Handsome Furs, WU LYF, M83, Battles, A.A. Bondy, Frank Ocean, Fucked Up, and others.

Click here to see Chad’s complete list (with commentary) and click here for Will Cleveland’s. Also, click here to listen to the special Spotify playlist we made with some of the songs from these albums.

This week’s intro/outro music was going to be R. Kelly’s “Trapped in a Closet” (this will make sense after you listen to the podcast . . . sort of), but instead, Nate made up a pretty rad mash-up of some of the songs we talk about.

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