
Three Percent #70: Bookworm, Amazon, and Iowa

As an interlude in our 2013 round-up series—the Nate & Tom Movie Podcast will be coming soon—Tom and I decided to talk about his recent trip to L.A., where he met with Michael Silverblatt of the amazing Bookworm, and about a couple of recent articles that have been making the rounds in social media and whatnot. Namely, we decided to talk a bit about George Packer’s Amazon article in the New Yorker, and the provocatively titled How Iowa Flattened Literature.

This week’s music is Thumpers’s Unkinder (A Tougher Love), which is perfect podcast music, and, unfortunately, the only really good song from this album.

As always you can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes by clicking here. To subscribe with other podcast downloading software, such as Google’s Listen, copy the following link.

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