
Contribute to the "Why This Book Should Win" Series

Hopefully you’ve been enjoying the “Why This Book Should Win the BTBA” series that’s been running the past few weeks. It’s a great way to find out about all twenty-five titles on the fiction longlist (and the poetry shortlist, when we get there), and gives each book a bit more exposure.

We have writers assigned for almost all the books, but we are looking for three people to write up the following:

  • Sandalwood Death by Mo Yan
  • Textile by Orly Castel-Bloom
  • In the Night of Time by Antonio Muñoz Molina

If you’re interested, let me know at chad.post [at] rochester.edu. We’d need your piece by April 10th—basically a couple weeks from now.

This is first come, first serve, so if you love one of these three books, hit me up immediately . . .

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