
2014 ALTA Travel Fellowships

If you’re an emerging literary translator and want to attend the 2014 American Literary Translators Association conference in Milwaukee but are short on cash, then you should definitely apply for this year’s travel fellowships.

From the ALTA website:

Each year, between four and six $1,000 fellowships are awarded to emerging (unpublished or minimally published) translators to help them pay for hotel and travel expenses to the annual ALTA conference.

At the conference, ALTA Fellows are invited to read their translated work at a keynote event, giving them an opportunity to present their translations to an audience of translators, authors, and publishers from around the world.

ALTA Travel Fellowships are funded by a combination of member dues and private donations, often generously given by established translators and other devoted supporters of the craft and art of literary translation. If you are interested in learning more about how you can support this important program, please contact Managing Director Erica Mena at altacentral2014@gmail.com

Applications must include:

  • a cover letter explaining your interest in attending the conference;
  • current CV / resumé;
  • up to 10 pages of translated work (poetry or prose, double spaced); and,
  • the corresponding original language text

Click here to submit your application online.

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