
Application Process for 2017 Gutekunst Prize Open

Last week, it was announced that applications had opened for the 2017 Gutekunst Prize for emerging literary translators who translate from German to English. It’s open to all translators under the age of 35 who, at the time the prize is awarded, have not yet published, are under contract for, a book-length translation.

From the Goethe Institute’s information page on the prize:

In 2010, the Goethe-Institut New York received a generous donation in memory of Frederick and Grace Gutekunst with which we have established the Gutekunst Prize for Emerging Translators. From Frederick Gutekunst’s love of the German language evolved the idea of creating a prize to identify outstanding young translators of German literature into English and assist them in establishing contact with the translation and publishing communities.

The winner of the Gutekunst Prize will be invited to an award ceremony to take place at the Goethe-Institut New York. The $2,500 prize will be awarded at this time and the winner will have the opportunity to present his or her translation.

The winning translation will be published on the website of the Goethe-Institut and, following agreement with the German publisher of the work, be used as a sample translation in negotiations with US publishers, to be conducted by the German Book Office.

More information on the prize, the process, and how to test your German-translation skills is available on the Gutekunst Prize page.

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