
Day of Giving at the University of Rochester

Today is the official “Day of Giving” at the University of Rochester—a 24-hour push to support any school, program, or area across the University and its Medical Center. It’s directed at the entire Rochester community including alumni, parents, patients, friends, faculty, staff, and students.

This is the fourth annual Day of Giving, but the first that included the option to contribute to Open Letter Books.

Our challenge is to raise $2,000, which will go directly to Will Vanderhyden (a University of Rochester alum) to support his translation of The Dreamed Part by Rodrigo Fresán. Given the excitement surrounding the first two Fresán titles we’ve published—The Invented Part and The Bottom of the Sky—I know there are a lot of people out there waiting for this next volume in his trilogy. By contributing, you’ll help ensure that we can get this out as soon as possible, with all the proceeds from this fundraising event going directly to Will as they’re received.

If you’re a University employee, I hope you’ll consider including Open Letter among the projects that you’re contributing to today. And even if you’re not working for the U of R, I hope you’ll consider helping Will out with a small one-time, fully tax-deductible donation.

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