
TMR 22.8: “Madder Than White Heat” [Praiseworthy]

Little discussion of Priaseworthy in this episode. Instead there’s a longer discussion about publishing, art, sales, how do these books get made?, favorite lines, future games, and much more. It’s a 20,000 foot view of book culture with an emphasis on success, investment, and more. Enjoy!

This week’s music is “Pedestrian at Best” from Aussie musical savant Courtney Barnett.

You can find all previous seasons of TMR on our YouTube channel and you can support us at Patreon and get bonus content before anyone else, along with other rewards, the opportunity to easily communicate with the hosts, etc. And please subcribe and rate us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Tune in next week for more banter and analysis live on YouTube where we will be covering pages 526-591. (Up to “Holy Donkey Business.”)

Follow Open Letter, Two Month ReviewChad Post, Kaija Straumanis, and Brian Wood for random thoughts and information about upcoming guests.

The large image associated with this post is AI’s attempt to depict Tommyhawk running from a donkey while using a cell phone surrounded by butterlies.

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