
201 Chekhov Stories

Eldritch Press, which is dedicated to putting public domain books online, has a fantastic Checkhov project:

About this project: Constance Garnett translated and published 13 volumes of Chekhov stories in the years 1916-1922. Unfortunately, the order of the stories is almost random, and in the last volume Mrs. Garnett stated: “I regret that it is impossible to obtain the necessary information for a chronological list of all Tchehov’s works.” This site presents all 201 stories in the order of their publication in Russia.

About the notes: I have added notes to explain both the cultural practices of 19th century Russia and the occasional Britishisms that Mrs. Garnett used in her translations. Passages marked in blue have an explanatory note at the end of the story. I am particularly indebted to Edgar H. Lehrman’s A Handbook to 86 of Chekhov’s Stories and Ronald Hingley’s notes in the Oxford Chekhov (Volumes 4-9).

If you wanted to buy all 13-volumes, Ecco recently published the collection referenced above.

Eldritch Press has some other great books online as well, including Goncharov’s Oblomov and Lermontov’s A Hero for Our time.

Via metafilter.

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