
Three Percent Resolution for 2008

Next year, I hope to start the “Best Translations” list a lot earlier in the fall, giving us more time to research, read, recommend, and decide on which to include. One thing that would help though would be a single source of all the original translations published throughout the year. And once again, since this fits the Three Percent mission, there’s no reason why we can’t start a sort of informal catalog of translations here . . .

So, beginning in January, we’re going to start posting monthly (or bi-weekly) round-ups of forthcoming original literary translations. There’s a slew of great presses that send us catalogs, review copies, etc., and there are a number of people I’ll be able to contact to make sure we’re including as many books as possible.

That said, it’ll be hard to catch everything, so, if you work for a publisher, or know one, please feel free to pass along information about this project, and anyone interested can e-mail me at chad.post at rochester dot edu with title, author, translator, language, pub month, and price for forthcoming titles and we’ll include them in the postings.

We’ll also try and review a couple of these titles each month, and include short descriptions of a few each week as well.

This is one of the primary goals for Three Percent in 2008 (along with increasing the number of reviews of untranslated titles featured here), so I thought I’d pass this along . . .

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