
Open Letter Forum: The Ecosystem of Translation

Probably should’ve posted this earlier in the week, but for anyone in Rochester, tomorrow afternoon, we’re hosting a special event from 3-5pm in the Rare Books and Special Collections Room of the Rush Rhees Library. This event is a roundtable discussion on “The Ecosystem of Translation,” featuring Professors John Michael and Claudia Schafer, along with Rhea Lyons and Melissa Schoenberger, two UR students enrolled in the translation certificate program and current Open Letter interns.

This really will be an open discussion with two primary goals: to provide general info about the literary translation programs (current and developing) and the Press, and to start to talk about some of the different issues, experiences, and joys of studying, or working with, international literature.

Should be fun and interesting, and post-discussion we’ll have some appetizers and wine—along with the first printed copies of our inaugural catalog. So if you’re in the area, please come on over . . .

Here’s a pdf version of the flyer for the event.

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