
Believer Book Award Shortlist

The Believer recently announced the shortlist for its 2007 book award, which includes the books the editors feel were the “strongest and, in their opinion, the most undervalued of the year.”

Pretty solid group:

  • Samedi the Deafness, Jesse Ball (Vintage)
  • Sunless, Gerard Donovan (Overlook)
  • Zeroville, Steve Erickson (Europa Editions)
  • Generation Loss, Elizabeth Hand (Small Beer)
  • African Psycho, Alain Mabancko (Soft Skull)
  • Remainder, Tom McCarthy (Vintage)
  • The Revisionist, Miranda Mellis (Calamari)
  • The Power of Flies, Lydie Salvayre (Dalkey Archive)
  • The Meat and Spirit Plan, Selah Saterstrom (Coffee House Press)
  • An Ordinary Spy, Joseph Weisberg (Bloomsbury)

Number on here that I’m not familiar with, but I’m pulling for the McCarthy and Salvayre . . . The winner—along with the reader’s choices—will appear in the June issue. (Just in time for BEA?)

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