
Looking for Chinese Translators

I just got this e-mail from PEN America about their Freedom to Write program and a special event they’re hosting on August 7th in support of jailed Chinese dissidents. All the info is below, but the bottom-line is that PEN is seeking Chinese translators to help work on this project. The date is coming up quick, so anyone who’s interested should get in touch with Andrew Proctor asap.

The Freedom to Write program of PEN is looking for Chinese translators to help translate original work by Chinese dissidents and writers who are imprisoned or have been in the past. On August 7, 2008, PEN will be hosting an event called “Breaking Down the Great Firewall: Silenced Writers Speak on the Eve of the Olympics,” which will feature new and previously untranslated statements and writings by several of the jailed writers PEN is tracking, as well as other leading dissidents and members of the Independent Chinese PEN Center, which is on the front lines of the struggle to expand freedom of expression in China. PEN will need help translating the 10-12 pieces of writing (averaging 3-6 pages in length) that will be used for the event, many of which may be political in nature. These pieces will include thoughts on the current state of free expression, experiences in prison and writing under the Great Firewall, and other statements by prominent writers.

Translators are welcome to work anoymously, if that is their preference. Translators will be offered free Associaite Membership in PEN and VIP seats at the event.

Please contact Andrew Proctor, Membership Director of PEN American Center, at aproctor at pen dot org or 212 334 1660 × 101.

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