
Going to Be a Slow Week . . .

This is probably going to be a slow week for Three Percent. Dubravka Ugresic arrives in Rochester tonight and we have a packed weeks of events, interviews, classroom appearances, etc., lined up for her. Specifically, tomorrow morning she’ll be on WHAM-13’s morning show (a local TV-station, whose previous guests include a woman talking about “Pet Fashion Week”), the first Reading the World Conversation Series event with Damion Searls tomorrow night, an event in Buffalo on Wednesday, and our launch party in New York on Thursday evening.

So please forgive us if there isn’t as much action here as usual. I promise we’ll overload the site with posts next week . . .

That said, we have reviews of Stieg Larsson’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and Attila Bartis ‘s Tranquility going up later this week. And I’m sure I’ll find a way to post a few other things along the way . . .

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