
Interpretive Perspective and Translation

Every summer, in honor of the Helen and Kurt Wolff Prize, the Goethe-Institut in Chicago also hosts the Helen and Kurt Wolff Translation Symposium. This year’s symposium is Interpretive Perspective and Translation and should be really interesting.

I’m moderating a panel with Krishna Winston, Breon Mitchell, and Michael Henry Heim on Gunther Grass, so I actually have the complete schedule of talks and events (not currently available online).

In addition to the Grass event, there’s a panel on “Lyric Translation,” one on “Letters Translation,” and one with Ross Benjamin and Nick Hoff on Holderlin.

This symposium isn’t open to the public, but translators, scholars, students of literary translation and enthusiasts are encouraged to apply by contacting Lisa Lux at lux at chicago dot goethe dot org.

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