
This Is Cool

. . . and most probably illegal. (Shhhh!) But the online magazine Admit Two has been serializing Charles Malamuth’s translation of Ilf & Petrov’s famous Little Golden America—a travelogue of the two writers’ trip through America that’s been out of print for eons. (Although Ilf & Petrov’s American Road Trip is available.)

They’re publishing one chapter a month, and are just about at the halfway point after bringing out number 23 in July. So in 2013 (assuming and assuming), the full text will be available . . .

Ilf & Petrov are two of the best Russian writers of the twentieth century. If you don’t believe me, read this sample from The Golden Calf, which we’ll be bringing out in December. (And which is mentioned a half-dozen times in Dubravka Ugresic’s Nobody’s Home.)

Or just read Little Golden America—I’m firing up my printer as I type . . .

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