
Jorge Volpi with Alfred Mac Adam

Where: University of Rochester, Plutzik Library, Rochester, NY

Jorge Volpi, author of Season of Ash will be in conversation with his translator, Alfred Mac Adam.

Jorge Volpi is a doctor in law and a teacher of Mexican literature at the UNAM (Autonomous University of Mexico), as well as a PhD in Hispanic Philology by the University of Salamanca. The author of nine novels, including In Search of Klingsor, for which he won the Spanish Premio Biblioteca Breve prize and the French Deux-Océans-Grizane-Cavour Prize, Volpi is one of the founders of the “Crack” group—a Mexican literary movement that seeks to move beyond magical realism and mimics the ideals of the 1968 Latin American literary Boom. He has received grants from the John S. Guggenheim Foundation and is presently a member of National System of Creators in Mexico.

Alfred MacAdam has been a professor of Latin American literature at Barnard College—Columbia University since 1983. He has translated novels by Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, José Donoso, Juan Carlos Onetti, and Julio Cortázar, amongst others. Between 1984 and 2004, MacAdam was the editor of Review: Latin American Literature and Arts, a biannual magazine which presents work by Latin American writers to English-speaking audiences.


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