
Quasi-Literary Gathering Tomorrow Night in Rochester

So for anyone in Rochester who reads this (and according to Google Analytics, there are at least a few of you), tomorrow night (Thursday, June 10th) at 7pm a bunch of book-loving, fun-loving Rochestarians are getting together at Tapas 177 (177 St. Paul St.) to drink heavily talk about books, or whatever.

Alexa Scott-Flaherty from Writers & Books came up with the idea of a monthly “Literary Salon” where a lot of interesting people in Rochester could get together . . . I know this is short notice, but tomorrow is the official start of the Future of Reading Conference so it seems like an appropriate time to launch something like this.

I’ll announce the next gathering way in advance . . . promise. But if you’re around, definitely come out. Technically this lasts from 7-9, but at 9 there are free salsa lessons at Tapas, so, well, yeah.

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