
German Book Prize Shortlist

Sorry . . . All German, all day here at Three Percent. But again, following up on the first post this morning with the overview of the German Book Prize longlist, the shortlist was announced just a few hours ago and includes exactly two of the titles I thought sounded most interesting. (I so suck at predicting things like this. Which is why I’m not betting on the Man Booker . . . or the Nobel.)

Anyway, here are the six finalists, with the winner to be announced at the start of the Frankfurt Book Fair:

Jan Faktor, Georgs Sorgen um die Vergangenheit oder im Reich des heiligen Hodensack-Bimbams von Prag (Georg’s concern about the Past)

Thomas Lehr, September (Fata Morgana)

Melinda Nadj Abonji, Tauben fliegen auf (Falcons without Falconers)

Doron Rabinovici, Andernorts (Elsewhere)

Peter Wawerzinek, Rabenliebe (Motherless Child)

Judith Zander, Dinge, die wir heute sagten (Things We Said Today)

English excerpts will be available sometime over the next few weeks. I’ll definitely post about that as soon as they appear . . .

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