
In Other Words, pass the crumpets, will you?

The University of East Anglia in the UK is looking for submissions for their biannual journal In Other Words, published by the British Centre for Literary Translation. If you are interested in contributing to issues 38-40 (and these contributions are not limited to the specific topics of each issue) drop a line to editor Valerie Henitiuk at v.henitiuk@uae.ac.uk.

In Other Words is a biannual journal published by the British Centre for Literary Translation, in collaboration with the Translators’ Association. The special themes of the next several issues are listed below, but we are also always happy to receive articles discussing any topic of interest to literary translators. Articles should be a maximum of 4000 words; style guidelines are provided in the back of each issue. Further information is available on our website, www.bclt.org.uk, and specific queries may be addressed to the editor at: v.henitiuk@uea.ac.uk.

Issue 38: Translating Music
We welcome article submissions on any aspect of ‘Translating Music,’ which can include but is not limited to:
The translation of musical texts (lyrics in songs, operatic works, etc)
Musicality in texts and how this can be translated
Translating performativity of musical works
Deadline for submissions is 1 October 2011

Issue 39: Translation and the Arab World
We welcome article submissions on any aspect of Translation and the Arab World’, which can include but is not limited to:
Translation in/as resistance
Toppling regimes, toppling paradigms
Unity and diversity in Middle Eastern literature
Deadline for submissions is 1 March 2012

Issue 40: Translating Children’s Literature
We welcome article submissions on any aspect of ‘Translating Children’s Literature’, which can include but is not limited to:
Age-based theories of translation
Translation vs. adaptation
The translation of different genres for young readers (picture books, young adult literature, nonfiction, fantasy, etc.)
Educating children via translated texts

Deadline for submissions is 1 October 2012
For more information, please contact Valerie Henituk at v.henitiuk@uea.ac.uk.

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