
Reminder: RTWCS Event Tonight!

If you’re in the Rochester area, you should definitely come out for tonight’s Reading the World Conversation Series event. This is the first one of the 2011-12 season (which may actually be the last season due to lack of funding—another story for another post) and will feature four writers and translators who are currently staying at the Ledig House in Omi, NY.

Specifically, the four guests we have here tonight are:

  • Chika Unigwe, the author of the critically acclaimed On Black Sisters Street, a novel about four women who left their African homeland to work the red light district in Antwerp, and have their lives irrevocably altered when one of them is murdered;
  • Francesc Seres, the author of the trilogy, On Manure and Marble, about farmers in the western part of Catalonia and the changes that have occurred over the past decades. He’ll actually be reading “Elvis Presley Sings in Red Square,” which is part of the forthcoming Russian Stories, a collection featuring five invented Russian authors;
  • Mads Mygind, a Danish poet whose debut poetry collection—For vi har set os omkring—came out this past February to critical acclaim. In addition to writing poetry, Mags founded “Verbal Pupils,” an annual poetry festival; and
  • Anna Mioni, a translator from English into Italian, who will read from her translation of Tom McCarthy’s C and talk about the Italian Translators Union, which she helped found.

The event starts at 6pm and will take place in the Welles-Brown room in Rush Rhees Library here at the University of Rochester.

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