
Thanks (Again)

Now that we’re solidly within 2012, we’d to take a minute to thank everyone who visits Three Percent, reads books from Open Letter (or any literature in translation, for that matter), hands an international novel to their friend, or takes the time to contribute some words, actions, time, attention or dollars in support of international literature in translation. It’s you ladies and gentlemen that kept us around last year and, we hope, will keep us around in the year forthcoming.

You may have noticed that big 2011 Annual Campaign banner at the top of our site is gone, and we want to especially thank everyone who contributed. Your generous gifts are going to help support both budding and established literary translators, great-but-hidden works of literature from around the world, outreach programs, literary translation proselytizing, and on, and on . . . Basically: These donations allow Three Percent and Open Letter to best do what we do best.

Finally: The big campaign banner might be gone, but if you missed it and still want to make a small gift — or get a jump on those 2012 tax deductions — please do. The annual campaign allows us a nice opportunity to collectively energize supporters, but donations made at any time are greatly valuable and profoundly appreciated.

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