
Call for ALTA 2012 Panels

As you likely know, we’re going to be hosting the ALTA 2012 Conference up here in Rochester this fall. Although that may seem like a ways off, it’s really not that long in conference planning time, so if you would like to propose a panel, follow the instructions below and send it my way . . . (And if you’re not a member of ALTA, you should be. You can sign up here.)

Oh, and the theme for this year’s conference is: “The Translation of Humor, or, the Humor of Translation.” (“The Unquestionable Importance of the Hyphellipses” came in a close second.)

Dear Fellow ALTA Members,

We’re now accepting panel proposals for the ALTA 2012 Conference, which will take place October 3-6 in Rochester, NY at the Strathallan Hotel and the Memorial Art Gallery. We welcome panels on all topics related to literary translation; however, we’re especially interested in proposals that touch on the translation of humor, publishing, translation in academia, translation and music, and new voices from around the world.

Proposals should include the following:

1. Title of the panel or roundtable.
2. 50-100 word description outlining the focus and nature of the panel.
3. Name and contact information of the panel organizer.
4. Name and contact information of the other members of the panel.
5. If you are open to additional panelists, please state how many; if you have been unable to recruit any panelists but would like to propose a topic, please indicate.

Panels are generally 75 minutes long, and there must be time for general discussion and audience responses (we suggest 20 minutes at least). Each panelist should therefore be allotted 10-15 minutes for his or her presentation, depending on the number of panelists (3-4 is ideal). Panelists should not read papers, but rather prepare talking points and examples from which to deliver an engaging talk.

The deadline for proposals is April 10, 2012. Panelists will be notified of acceptance by May 1st, 2012. Proposals should be sent in the body of an email to Chad W. Post, Conference Organizer, at: chad.post@rochester.edu.

Please also send any questions concerning the conference panels and events to the same address.

I look forward to welcoming you here in Rochester!


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