
DISQUIET International Literary Program [Applications]

This summer, the second annual DISQUIET International Literary Program will be taking place in Lisbon, Portugal from July 1-13, and promises to be a pretty amazing experience. I’m going to be there as one of the U.S. editors, and will be joining an insanely talented group of writers, including: George Saunders, Kim Addonizio, Christine Hume, Deb Olin Unferth, Terri Witek, Josip Novakovic, Philip Graham, and Goncalo Tavares.

In addition to innovative and challenging two-week workshops in fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, Disquiet also offers one-week workshops in songwriting with indie legend Dan Bern, and photo-documentary storytelling with Pulitzer prize-winning photographer Deanne Fitzmaurice. We’ll be hosting an exciting group of contemporary Portuguese and North American writers, and editors from Dzanc Books, Open Letter, Ninth Letter, and Guernica, for readings, craft talks, tours, and much more.

If you’re interested in attending, the deadline to register is April 15. Click here to apply, or email disquietinternational [at] gmail.org for more information.

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