
A Special Appeal on the Last Day of 2012

We at Three Percent & Open Letter want to simply say: Thank you.

This will probably be the last message we’ll post about our 2012 Annual Campaign, and we want to use it to let you know that, by participating, you’re making a vital (and tax deductible—TODAY IS YOUR LAST DAY TO DO SO, SO DO IT NOW!) gift toward all of the nonprofit publishing, programing, and educational efforts here at Three Percent/Open Letter. And, even more, you’re joining us in helping to diversify our larger literary landscape.

We can’t thank you enough for your shared interest, support, and appreciation of how these many publications and programs make enriching contributions to our culture.

Finally, we have a challenge for all those who haven’t yet contributed: $10. It doesn’t seem like much, but when each of you gives just a little, the total effect is huge. Your gift really does make a outsized impact, far exceeding the simple dollar amount.

And, as a special incentive, 1 in every 10 donors (making a gift of any amount) will receive a free Open Letter book of their choice.

We ask that you’ll please join our campaign by quickly contributing online or by mailing back this flier.

Thanks, again, to all of you this holiday season!

Chad W. Post
Publisher & Director

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