
Support Coffee House Press!

It’s year-end donation time! As I’m sure you know, there are dozens of worthy publishing (or literary) enterprises out there deserving of your support. Over the next few days, I’ll try and highlight a few of them (including Open Letter), but wanted to start with Coffee House Press, since they have a really special year-end campaign going on.

To celebrate Chris Fischbach’s 20th year at CHP (20 years!), the board of directors is making a special $20,000 match for year-end donations. This is a significant gift, and one that Coffee House definitely deserves. So donate here and help them reach their goal!

I’m sure everyone reading this is aware of Coffee House (or at least Valeria Luiselli), but here’s a bit of a run down from their donation page:

Coffee House Press began as a small letterpress operation in 1972 and has grown into an internationally renowned nonprofit publisher of literary fiction, essay, poetry, and other work that doesn’t fit neatly into genre categories.

Through our Books in Action program and publications, we’ve become interdisciplinary collaborators and incubators for new work and audience experiences. Our vision for the future is one in which a publisher is a catalyst and connector.

Adventurous readers, arts enthusiasts, community builders, and risk takers—join us by making a tax-deductible donation today!

I love all the people at CHP and hope that all of you will go over and support them as well!

And while you’re there, check out their 2016 catalog. New Rikki Ducornet, new Cynan Jones, Daniel Saldaña Paris’s first novel to appear in English, a book on pretentiousness . . . Lot of great books to look forward to!

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