
“I Remember Nightfall” by Marosa di Giorgio [Why This Book Should Win]

This entry in the Why This Book Should Win series is from BTBA judge and Greenlight Bookstore bookseller Jarrod Annis. 


I Remember Nightfall by Marosa di Giorgio, translated from the Spanish by Jeannine Marie Pitas (Uruguay, Ugly Duckling Presse)

Dark, ethereal, and sensuous, Marosa di Giorgio’s prose poems echo the haunted, half-forgotten landscapes of youth. Part meditation, part hallucinatory vision, the poems included in I Remember Nightfall are imbued with a distant strangeness that pulls the reader closer to them, beckoning through their own mystery. This is a book of dim fantasias, where the forgotten and remembered converge, where nature is alive with spirits that play with time to induce a phantasmagoric botany of memory for both the poet and reader.

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