
Reread, Rewrite, Repeat

Some years ago, I was invited on an editorial trip to Buenos Aires, where we were given a walking tour of the more literary areas of the city, including a bar where Polish ex-pat Witold Gombrowicz used to hang out.    The tour guide told us a story about how Gombrowicz hated Borges and would frequently, drunkenly, ...

Percent of Translations Originally Written by Women, 2008-2019

  I was planning on posting one of these each week with next to no context, but just to explain what's above, this is a year-by-year breakdown of the percentage of works of fiction in translation originally written by men, by women, and anthologies including both genders. The biggest gap was in 2008 (54.61% ...

Two Spanish Books for Women in Translation Month

Like usual, this post is a mishmash of all the thoughts I've had over the past week, mostly while out on a 30-mile bike ride. (I need to get in as many of these as possible before winter, which is likely to hit Rochester in about a month.) Rather than try and weave these into one single coherent post, I'm just going to throw ...

Garden by the Sea by Mercè Rodoreda [Excerpt]

To celebrate Women in Translation Month, we're going to post excerpts from several of our forthcoming books, starting with the new Rodoreda title, Garden by the Sea. You can get 40% off this and ALL Open Letter titles written or translated by women by using the code WITMONTH at checkout on our website.  Garden by ...

40% Off All Open Letter Books Written or Translated by Women

Women in Translation Month is always an exciting time to discover, read, discuss, and celebrate books by women from around the world. It was created by Meytal Radzinski back in 2014 (who we're hoping to have on a podcast this month), and has since spawned numerous articles, events, and even the Warwick Prize for Women in ...

Embrace the Chaos

So, for the first time in, probably ever, when I didn't have an idea for this week's post, I didn't steal one of Sam Miller's ideas from the Effectively Wild podcast. Instead, in a real reversal, I went back to the podcasts I recorded last week and came up with two completely unrelated concepts that I'm going to jam ...

Publishers: Come to ALTA 42 in Rochester!

For all editors and publishers out there, we wanted to put make sure you knew about  the American Literary Translators Association conference in Rochester on November 7-10 and some of the opportunities available to publishers. Nowadays the ALTA conference attracts ~450 literary translators to a conference featuring ...