Book Review

“Mamma’s Boy” by David Goudreault

Mamma's Boy by David Goudreault Translated from the French by JC Sutcliffe 192 pgs. | pb | 9781771663823 | $20.00 Book*hug Review by Rafael Sanchez Montes     This incredibly fun novel is a first-person account and confession by the unnamed protagonist, who offers his side of the story to what he ...

“Odd Jobs” by Tony Duvert

Odd Jobs by Tony Duvert Translated from the French by S. C. Delaney & Agnés Potier 56 pgs. | pb | 9781939663290 | $11.95 Wakefield Press Review by Kaija Straumanis   I've long been a fan of Wakefield Press, ever since I first read Pataphysical Essays by René Daumal, though I don't get to read nearly as ...

“The Great Passage” by Shion Miura

The Great Passage by Shion Miura translated from the Japanese by Juliet Winters Carpenter 222 pgs. | pb |9781477823071 | $14.95  AmazonCrossing Reviewed by Talia Franks   Shion Miura’s The Great Passage chronicles the construction of a dictionary also called The Great Passage, which is a comprehensive catalog ...

“The Bottom of the Jar” by Abdellatif Laâbi

The Bottom of the Jar by Abdellatif Laâbi translated from the French by André Naffis-Sahely 220 pgs. | pb |9781935744603 | $17.00  Archipelago Books Reviewed by Brendan Riley   For English language readers, like this reviewer, whose literary sense of North Africa is delimited by periodic forays into the ...

“Katalin Street” by Magda Szabó

Katalin Street by Magda Szabó translated from the Hungarian by Len Rix 248 pgs. | pb | 9781681371528 | $15.95  NYRB Classics Reviewed by Jason Newport     What is a woman, or her ghost, to do for herself? This is the question that haunts Hungarian author Magda Szabó in her three novels ...

“Odyssey” by Homer

The Odyssey by Homer Translated from the Greek by Emily Wilson 592 pgs. | hc | 9780393089059 | $39.95 W. W. Norton Reviewed by Peter Constantine                                   Now goddess, child of Zeus, tell the old story for our modern ...

“Joyce y las gallinas” by Anna Ballbona

Joyce y las gallinas by Anna Ballbona 200 pgs. | pb | 9788433937261 | €17.90  Anagrama Reviewed by Brendan Riley   This review was originally published as a report on the book at New Spanish Books, and has been reprinted here with permission of the reviewer. The book was originally published in the Catalan ...