
2 for $22 is ending . . .

Our 2 for $22 deal (pick 2 Open Letter books for $22 flat, and you’re automatically entered to win a year of free books) is coming to a close, so if you haven’t checked it out—or did and were planning to order later—now is the time . . ...

2 for $22 (reboot)

I know it feels like like self-promotion day on Three Percent, but this bit of promotion is important . . . really (at least to those of you who’ve written in asking about it). The other week we launched an awesomely great deal with a catchy name: 2 for $22. The deal is this: Choose any 2 books for $22 flat (not even ...

2 for $22, reminder.

Don’t forget that we’re still in the midst of our 2 for $22 deal. Choose any 2 books for $22 flat, and you’re automatically entered to win a free subscription for a full year of Open Letter titles (or, if you’re already a subscriber, you could get your current subscription extended for an additional ...