
Thank You!

We at Three Percent & Open Letter want to simply say: Thank you. Our Annual Campaign is still ongoing (but not for long!), and we want you to know that, by participating, you’re not only making a great contribution to the publishing, programing, and educational efforts here at Three Percent/Open Letter, but ...

Thanks, Donors, Donating, and Free Books.

We’re in the midst of our Three Percent/Open Letter Annual Campaign (don’t worry, this won’t go on forever), and we just want to say “thank you” to those you who have already contributed by making a donation. We’re not done, though, and we’re still a ways from our goal . . ...

A Special Message from Three Percent & Open Letter Books

Dear Readers, Over this past year we’ve been working so hard that we sometimes forget to look up and take stock of all we’ve accomplished. The year started with an exceptional profile in the New York Times that nurtured, more than we could have imagined, a widespread awareness of Three Percent and Open ...