
"Penguin Lost" by Andrey Kurkov [Read This Next]

Prelude Apology: Sorry for being a bit behind—I’m home sick with a nasty cold . . . More posting and podcasting next week. This week’s featured Read This Next title is Penguin Lost, the second book in Andrey Kurkov’s detective series that, yes, includes a penguin (and is translated from the Russian ...

Cool Death and the Penguin Promo [Imaginary Places]

Just got an email about this awesome offer from Melville House that I wanted to share for a few reasons.: From the As-If-The-Cover-Didn’t-Tip-You-Off-Already department: Death and the Penguin by Andrei Kurkov is the perfect example of why the Melville House International Crime series is like no other: It’s political, ...

Kurkov in the TLS

Powells reprints a review from the TLS of Andrey Kurkov’s latest novel to be translated into English — The President’s Last Love — which we mentioned briefly a few weeks ago: However, such a determined sense of the outward emphasizes what is often missing from The President’s Last Love: ...

Andrey Kurkov and the Translators

The Literary Saloon details what went wrong with the recent translation of Andrey Kurkov’s The President’s Last Love. I loved his Death and the Penguin and A Matter of Life and Death, so it’s too bad that something not-so-good seems to have happened to his latest book. Sometimes the translator just gets ...

Andrey Kurkov and Language

Today’s SignandSight.com calls attention to this article by Andrey Kurkov from Welt Online (in German) about the language war going on in Ukraine. All these years I have protested against the plans to raise Russian to the second state language. Then finally I understood that everything was just a political game. ...