
Ironic Twist in Arts Council Story

You may remember a period from a couple months back when almost every day we had a new post about the funding situation with the Arts Council England. In brief, the ACE sent out Christmas letters notifying former grantees that their grants were going to be cut or eliminated entirely. A bunch of theaters and publishers ...

One Last (?) ACE Funding Update

Despite the apparent good news that most of the Arts Council England funding would be restored, Dedalus and Centerprise ended up on the cutting block [all quotes via The Guardian: In the face of appeals and threats of legal action, Arts Council England has this morning confirmed it is to cut funding from the independent ...

Interview with Eric Lane, Publisher of Dedalus

Aside from feeding my recent obsession, I thought it would be interesting to ask Eric Lane a few questions about Dedalus Books and the impact losing its Arts Council England grant would have on the organization. Eric was kind enough to not only answer all my questions, but to answer them in a refreshingly honest fashion, ...

ACE Funding Update (a.k.a. My Recent Obsession)

Finally, there’s some good news for the organizations at risk of losing their Arts Council England funding. According to this article, the Arts Council is reconsidering its funding cuts: The Arts Council has been forced into a partial climbdown to reprieve about 25 of the theatres, orchestras and dance groups ...

ACE Funding and Parliament

Today’s update in the ongoing saga of the ACE funding cuts comes from Arcadia and Parliament. First off, a couple of the new people who have signed on in support of Arcadia are Dominick Dunne and Caroline Michel. Which is great in and of itself, but what I find really fun are some of the “Early Day ...

More on the ACE Funding Cuts

There are two interesting developments in the ongoing saga of the Arts Council England funding cuts that are worth reporting about. First off, last Friday The Guardian ran an article by Antonia Byatt claiming that funding for literature is actually increasing: Far from “decimating” the arts, our funding ...

Today's Arts Council England Funding Update

This morning, I received a couple interesting e-mails regarding the ACE funding cuts that we’ve been talking about for the past couple weeks. As most everyone has heard, a number of independent publishers—including Dedalus and Arcadia, two presses that do a lot of work in translations—have had the funding ...