
This Is Very True

Although this op-ed piece is primarily about San Francisco performing arts orgs, it really applies to any and all arts nonprofits: In general, arts organizations have done all they can to reduce costs. They’ve reached out to audiences, luring them with promotions, free stuff, and advertising they can barely afford. So ...

Well This Is Just Plain Depressing

I haven’t looked into this too much yet (frantically getting ready for trip to NY and PEN World Voices), but I just got a message from NYS ARTS about the Governor’s proposed budget and its impact on the New York State Council on the Arts. According to NYS ARTS, the Governor is proposing a 40% cut to ...

Good News for Detroit Arts and for Cultural Orgs in General

Not sure when the last time the words “good news” and “Detroit” were used in the same sentence, but according to the Detroit Free Press, the Erb Family Foundation of Birmingham has recently announced $1.6 million in grants to 35 local arts organizations, “ranging from $100,000 to the Detroit ...

An Amendment I'm In Favor Of

In Minnesota tomorrow, voters will weigh in on adding an amendment to the state constitution that would create a significant amount of money for the arts: [. . .] this amendment is important. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help solidify some of the best things about this state. Its beneficiaries ...