
Two More Bolano Novels . . .

Big day for Roberto Bolano fans (and the Wylie Agency) . . . according to the Guardian, two more Bolano novels have been discovered among his papers. Oh, and a sixth part (!?!) to 2666. Two new novels by the Chilean author Roberto Bolaño have reportedly been found in Spain among papers he left behind after his death. ...

The Jackal, Bolano, and the Sadness of Big Deals

I’m disappointed in myself for not having found out about this during the Frankfurt Book Fair, but Wylie is making a major play for Bolano, which means that Scott Moyers can now claim that he created Bolano. (Before this Bolano was a little known writer published by some small press like New Visions or whatever, but we, ...

PW Review of Bolano

Galleys of Bolano’s Nazi Literature in the Americas have been circulating for a few months now, and everyone I’ve talked with absolutely loves the book. Publishers Weekly has the first actual review I’ve seen of this, and the reviewer tends to agree: The title chosen by Bolaño (1953–2003) for this ...