
Bookforum: The Best News . . .

The September/October/November issue of Bookforum went online yesterday, and is absolutely loaded with reviews of great books. Of course, in a somewhat self-serving way, I’m especially excited about this issue since it has a very positive review of the first Open Letter title: Nobody’s Home by Dubravka ...

New Bookforum

As a number of other people have already pointed out, the new issue of Bookforum is now available, both in print and online. This is the summer “Fiction and Politics” issues, which, in addition to a heap of good reviews, has a few features on politics novels and the like. There’s even a reflections section ...

New Issue of Bookforum

The Dec/Jan issue of Bookforum is now out and fully available online. I haven’t had a chance to read any of the articles yet, but Sam Kean’s piece on a used bookstore in Japan and Radhika Jones’s article on the library of John Freeman and Nicole Aragi both sound ...

New Bookforum

The new issue of Bookforum is out, with a number of interesting articles available online. There’s a review of Geert Mak’s In Europe: Travels Through the Twentieth Century, Zakes Mda’s Cion, Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Mandarins, Terézia Mora’s Day In Day Out and Christian Oster’s The Unforeseen. Looks ...

Bookforum on Gabriel Josipovici’s Goldberg: Variations

I’m a little biased on this one for ‘I-acquired-the-book-for-Harper-Perennial’ related reasons, but you have to read Goldberg: Variations. Josipovici is an amazing writer and he has a bunch of great books— Moo Pak; Contre-Jour; his most recent collection of critical essays, Singer on the Shore; to ...