
Rules to Live By

Critical Mass has a list of “ten commandments” for publishers from indie publisher and author Michael Kruger: 1. Publish only the books you really love. 2. Publish only the books you love to read yourself. 3. Never publish more books than you can read. 4. Never publish a book that bores ...

Differing Fates of Two Independent Bookstores

This is just awful: In Los Angeles, one of that city’s landmark independents, Dutton’s Brentwood Books, will close on April 30. The news comes a little more than one year after Dutton’s closed its Beverly Hills store. Owner Doug Dutton said that he had been trying to save the Brentwood location for months, but ...

More from Lawrence Venuti about Literature in Translation

A couple weeks ago we linked to Lawrence Venuti’s article on Words Without Borders about the business of publishing translations. It’s a very interesting piece that was written for a panel on the To Be Translated or Not To Be report and puts forth a somewhat provocative stance on what should be published in ...

Lawrence Venuti on the Business of Publishing Translations

Literary Saloon pointed this out yesterday, but the new issue of Words Without Borders contains a fantastic article by Lawrence Venuti on the business of publishing translations. He wrote this essay for the Frankfurt Book Fair panel on To Be Translated or Not To Be (warning, that links to the entire report in pdf form), a ...

An Economic Model for the Lack of Translations into English

Esther Allen—director of the Center for Literary Translation, amazing translator, and committee member for Open Letter—recently passed along a fascinating article entitled The Impact of English Dominance on Literature and Welfare by Jacques Melitz, and published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization ...

First Steve Jobs and Then Las Vegas

Here are two wonderful, oh so inspiring quotes about reading that are perfect for a Monday morning. The first is from Steve Jobs and actually came out a couple weeks ago. In reference to Amazon’s Kindle: “It doesn’t matter how good or bad the product is, the fact is that people don’t read anymore. Forty ...

One Last (?) ACE Funding Update

Despite the apparent good news that most of the Arts Council England funding would be restored, Dedalus and Centerprise ended up on the cutting block [all quotes via The Guardian: In the face of appeals and threats of legal action, Arts Council England has this morning confirmed it is to cut funding from the independent ...