
ACE Funding and Parliament

Today’s update in the ongoing saga of the ACE funding cuts comes from Arcadia and Parliament. First off, a couple of the new people who have signed on in support of Arcadia are Dominick Dunne and Caroline Michel. Which is great in and of itself, but what I find really fun are some of the “Early Day ...

More on the ACE Funding Cuts

There are two interesting developments in the ongoing saga of the Arts Council England funding cuts that are worth reporting about. First off, last Friday The Guardian ran an article by Antonia Byatt claiming that funding for literature is actually increasing: Far from “decimating” the arts, our funding ...

Cool New Blog

The National Book Foundation just launched a blog—“Reading Ahead”:http://readingahead.blogspot.com/— written by Harold Augenbraum. As can be expected, the posts are very thoughtful, literary, and well-written, and the mission is quite admirable: The blog’s purpose is to gather information and ...

Today's Arts Council England Funding Update

This morning, I received a couple interesting e-mails regarding the ACE funding cuts that we’ve been talking about for the past couple weeks. As most everyone has heard, a number of independent publishers—including Dedalus and Arcadia, two presses that do a lot of work in translations—have had the funding ...

Sales of Translations

Rachel Deahl’s article for Publishers Weekly on how well translations sell is really interesting (not just because we’re mentioned there) and worth expanding a bit. The main idea comes from Tom Colchie, famous translator and literary agent (and all around nice guy), who thinks that the “doom and gloom ...

The Nature of Counting, or, the Numbers Racket

I stole the title for this post from an e-mail Eliot Weinberger sent me that points out a huge discrepancy between the name of this blog and the list of January translations. As stated on our about us page, a number of studies—from the NEA, Bowker, etc.—have concluded that approx. 3% of all books published in ...

One Model Doesn't Fit All

From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer Paperspine is trying to do for books what Netflix did for DVDs. In fact, Dustin Hubbard — the Microsoft Corp. program manager who co-founded the Issaquah startup on a leave of absence this summer — said he was inspired by the online movie rental company when he came up with ...