
Nigeria vs. Australia [Women's World Cup of Literature: Second Round]

This match was judged by Meytal Radzinski whose writings you can find at Biblibo and on Twitter @biblibio. For more information on the Women’s World Cup of Literature, click here or here. Also, be sure to follow our Twitter account and like our Facebook page. And check back here daily! The game looks mismatched ...

USA vs. Nigeria [Women's World Cup of Literature: First Round]

This match was judged by Sal Robinson, a graduate student in library science and co-founder of the Bridge Series. For more information on the Women’s World Cup of Literature, click here or here. Also, be sure to follow our Twitter account and like our Facebook page. And check back here daily! It seems hardly fair ...

New Issues: Rattapallax and PEN America

After briefly lamenting the fact that there’s not a lot of places to turn to to learn about/gain exposure to international poetry, I opened my mail and found the new issue of Rattapallax, which, along with CALQUE and Circumference, is one of the best sources for poetry in translation. This particular issue kicks off by ...

Summer Issue of Bookforum

Just in time for BookExpo, the summer fiction issue of Bookforum is now available in print and online. This year’s special fiction issue is all about fiction forward: We invited dozens of publishers to submit excerpts from books that will be published in the fall and winter, and we selected six of the very best. ...