
Contests for Bulgarian Writers and Translators

You may remember that last year, after a wonderful trip to Sozopol where I skinny dipped in the Black Sea, drank wine, met the most amazing writers, and heard the phrase “Kentucky Fried Chicken Happy Hour,” Open Letter launched two Bulgarian literature contests sponsored by the Elizabeth Kostova Foundation. The ...

Open Letter & the Elizabeth Kostova Foundation & Two Bulgarian Contests

I never had a chance to write all that I wanted to write about the Sozopol Fiction Workshop (and some of what I wanted to write—skinny dipping in the Black Sea, “Kentucky Fried Happy Hour,” etc.—was maybe a bit too “you had to be there” to really make sense anyway, so, well, you’ve ...

2010 SLS Unified Literary Contest

For anyone interested in attending one of next year’s Summer Literary Seminars — which will take place in ontreal, Quebec (June 13 – 27); Vilnius, Lithuania (August 1 – 14); and Nairobi-Lamu, Kenya (December) — you might be interested in entering the Unified Literary Contest Held in ...