
Omnivoracious w/ Bragi

Omnivoracious, Amazon.com’s weblog, has an interview with Bragi Ólafsson about The Pets, lies, and his new book: Amazon.com: Tell me more about that, what that was like. BÓ: Most of the time it was very stupid questions and silly answers. That’s what the pop press is basically about. Playing around. ...

Contemporary Romanian Writers

My friend Bogdan from Polirom pointed me to this excellent new site, Contemporary Romanian Writers. They sum it up nicely: www.romanianwriters.ro is now online. It offers publishers from all over the world English-language presentations of the contemporary Romanian writers published by Polirom and Cartea Românească, ...

Bryten Brytenbach on The World

South African writer, painter, and political activist Breyten Breytenbach talks to World Books editor Bill Marx about what his new book, “All One Horse.” says about his schizophrenic creative career. Breytenbach also reads a selection from the volume. Bryten Brytenbach will be appearing with Dubravka ...

Dubravka & Chad on WHAM

In what is a first for us, our lovely UR publicist June Avignone convinced a local morning news show to do a segment on Dubravka’s new book, Nobody’s Home, and Open Letter. I must admit I was expecting out and out absurdity—and there was some of that: their segment was preceded by a piece on a new kind ...

Senselessness Excerpt

Over at the Elegant Variation, they’ve excerpted the first chapter of Moya’s Senselessness: We are very pleased to be able to present to you, in its entirety, the first chapter of Horacio Castellanos Moya’s remarkable novella Senselessness, with kind permission from our friends at New Directions. This ...

A Quarter-Million Kindles

Amazon has been keeping a lid on the number of Kindles they’ve sold since it launched, but apparently somebody has finally spilled the beans: Ever since Amazon launched the Kindle last November, we’ve been wondering about just how successful it’s been. The electronic book initially sold out and supplies have ...

Mercè Rodoreda

Unfortunately for us this is about a year too soon, but Sandra Cisneros is on the Leonard Lopate Show today at 12:00 EST talking about Mercè Rodoreda as a part of their summer reading series: We continue our Underappreciated summer reading series with a look at Mercè Rodoreda, who wrote The Time of the Doves in exile ...