
English PEN, Writers in Translation

This year, Writers in Translation celebrates its fifth anniversary with the publication of an anthology containing extracts from the 36 books that the programme has supported since its inception. Making the World Legible contains a dazzling array of fiction, non-fiction and poetry from some of the best international ...

Planet Mag interview with Alejandro Zambra

Planet Magazine just posted an interview with Alejandro Zambra: Cuban novelist Alejo Carpentier wrote in an essay that a Baroque style was the natural mode for Latin American fiction. He claimed that an excess of language was needed to account for an unknown reality. It was not possible to write “a ceiba”, he said, ...

Jose Saramago has died

Portuguese novelist Jose Saramago, who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1998, has died at the age of 87, his publisher has ...

Jules Chametzky Prize

In our fifty-first year of publication, the editors of the Massachusetts Review plan to dramatically increase the amount of fiction, poetry, and socially-engaged nonfiction they publish in translation. Today, we see a great need for literary journals to internationalize—to open their ears and their pages to voices from ...

Technology Snafu

Sorry to everyone who reads Three Percent through an RSS reader. The University of Rochester’s central server went down yesterday, and we had to re-create the last few days of posts. So you probably got a lot of duplicates in your feed reader this morning. Fingers crossed, everything should be back to ...

The PEN Translation Fund Announces the 2010 Grant Recipients

Daniel Brunet for The Last Fire, a play by Dea Loher that examines the devastation wrought on a small community by the accidental death of a child. Following its premiere in Hamburg in 2008, it won both the 2008 Play of the Year award from Theater Heute and the 2008 Mülheim Drama Prize. (No publisher) Alexander ...

Help Bring Poetry Inside Out to 250 Students

Last week, the Center for the Art of Translation started a fundraising campaign for their Poetry Inside Out program. Thought some of you might be interested in contributing: This week, we’re starting a campaign to raise $15,000 to bring Poetry Inside out to 250 new students this fall. We’d like to ask all the ...