
Min Kamp

Last fall at Frankfurt I visited with quite a few Norwegian publishers, and every one of them was talking about Karl Ove Knausgård’s Min Kamp (My Struggle, or Mein Kampf to make the provocation plain), which our good friends at Oktober Forlaget were publishing in six volumes, three in one season and three the next, for ...

The Year of Jakov Lind

Today marks the third anniversary of Jakov Lind’s death. It was the occasion of his death that first brought Lind to our attention—I’m pretty sure I first read about him on Ready, Steady, Book, where Mark posted a link to his obituary. I did a little investigating at the time, and I discovered that his books ...

Chad on Chicago Public Radio

Chad was on Chicago Public Radio’s Worldview yesterday afternoon. His shout outs included: Per Petterson, JMG Le Clézio, Herta Müller, and Stieg Larsson. Americans don’t get the chance to read many books written by authors who aren’t from this country. That’s because just about three percent of all the ...

Robert Chandler on Lopate

Robert Chandler was on the Leonard Lopate show last week to discuss his translation (with his wife, Elizabeth) of Vasily Grossman’s Everything Flows. Grossman’s Life and Fate, also published by NYRB Classics, is a fantastic book, and this sounds like it’s certainly worth a look ...

NPR on Jaipur Literature Festival

Morning Edition had a cool piece on this morning about this year’s recently concluded (as in today) Jaipur Literature Festival, which included a few seconds with the Festival’s director William Dalrymple. It’s only the Festival’s 5th year, but they have managed to line up an impressive list af ...

A few quick Monday links

Dubravka Ugresic interview at The Rumpus. The Czech Literature Portal. Translators Struggle to Prove Their Academic Bona Fides at The Chronicle of Higher ...

New WWB Site + Quim Monzó

The January issue of Words Without Borders is online (as is their new, and Vastly improved, website), and this month it focuses on ‘flash fiction.’ Our own Quim Monzó has two stories featured, Thirty Lines and The Fork. Also featured is one of my personal favorites, José Eduardo Agualusa. (Even if you ...