
Espresso Book Machine–Live!

So right before leaving for the London Book Fair (and Free the Word! festival), I talked to a class at the University of Rochester about e-books, print on demand, and the digital future of publishing. Of course, during this discussion the Espresso Book Machine came up, and I made everyone watch this video, which we posted ...

Espresso Book Machine at Northshire Books

Today’s Shelf Awareness points to an interview on Vermont Public Radio with Lucy Gardner Carson of Northshire Books, one of the few places in the country with an Espresso Book Machine. The EBM was hailed as a way of creating an “unlimited backlist” where customers could come and print out any title they ...

Ummm . . . Yeah

Evan at A Different Stripe points out a rather odd statement made by Daniel J. Kramer about the Espresso Book Machine on On the Media: “Now, instead of spending years tracking down Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy, you just print it out, go home with a copy of it in your back pocket and finally read ...

Espresso Book Machine

Fade Theory drew my attention to this promotional video for On Demand Books: It’s not the most exciting of pitches, but it’s interesting after talking about it for the past few weeks to actually see this thing in action. . . . And “this thing” might be the best way to describe it. Much more of a ...

Another Interesting Article on the Espresso Book Machine

If:Book has a nice piece on the future of print and the Espresso Book Machine. Very well thought out article, with a cautionary paragraph at the end: More importantly, what does it mean? While there’s certainly work that needs to be done on these machines, they certainly seem viable. Epstein proposed these ...