
Gunter Grass Rails on Facebook

This video of Gunter Grass talking about how “Facebook is shit” is amazing. Granted, it’s weird that I found out about this from a friend who found it on Facebook and that I’m probably going to share it on Facebook as well . . . But, I do totally agree with his sentiments and wish I could smash my ...

New Three Percent Facebook Page

In order to decrease the confusion between Open Letter and Three Percent, and to allow all TP posts to appear on FB, and to create a more vibrant conversation via our newly enabled FB commenting system, and to allow us to do magic, we just set-up the Three Percent Facebook Page. So, if you’re a Facebook user, you can ...

Open Letter Books on FB, again . . .

You may (or may not) already be a member of the Open Letter group on Facebook (which is great), but we’re quickly migrating the fun(!) over to our Facebook fan page, where we’ll be able to better keep you up-to-date during your daily Facebooking, and (importantly) we can better hear back from you, give out free ...


To any of you who aren’t yet part of the Open Letter group on Facebook, take a second to join, won’t you? The group is on its way to becoming a much more active place with invites to upcoming events, info about new books and the publishing world, and probably a few contests for free stuff, too . . ...

Open Letter and the Best Translated Book Award on Facebook

I know we should’ve done this sooner, but we just set up an Open Letter group and a Best Translated Book Award group on Facebook. So if you’re on Facebook, please join. (And feel free to invite all of your friends.) We don’t have much on the Open Letter site (yet), but on the BTB group there are cover ...

Open Letter on Facebook

E.J. set up the Open Letter page on Facebook this afternoon, and so far we only have one lonely fan . . .