
Season Six of the Two Month Review is Coming and It’s Pessoa [UPDATED]

UPDATE: I'm reposting this with the amended dates. We had to move everything back a week to ensure that our opening conversations are of the quality that you've come to expect from the Two Month Review. The first YouTube broadcast will be Wednesday, October 3 at 10am Eastern Time. The podcast version will be available here, ...

Pessoa archive declared 'national treasure' in Portugal

L’héritage documentaire de Fernando Pessoa, considéré comme le plus grand poète portugais du XXe siècle, a été classé “trésor national”, a annoncé jeudi le gouvernement portugais. This looks to put an end to some controversy that was started last summer, when Pessoa’s heirs planned to ...

Really Cool Pessoa Translation Exercise

LanguageHat brought our attention to this essay by Margaret Jull Costa on the difficulties of translating emotion. She uses a short piece by Fernando Pessoa to illustrate this. Before getting to the really cool thing, here’s a bit of info on Pessoa, who—along with all of his heteronyms—really was an ...

The Guardian on Pessoa

The Guardian adds to the recent, and unexpected, surge of interest in Fernando Pessoa: Although admired throughout Europe for his myriad alter egos – the 72 highly distinct personae he assumed over the course of his writing life – it is Fernando Pessoa’s mellifluous writing on emptiness that continues ...

The Blog of Disquiet

A few lit-bloggers have gotten together to form The Blog of Disquiet: The purpose of this site is to draw out everything that comes from reading Fernando Pessoa’s The Book of Disquiet. As the reading progresses, it will inform the content of this manifesto, which will – possibly – grow and change to ...