
Festival Neue Literatur 2015

This year’s edition of the Festival Neue Literatur, which features new writing from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the U.S., will take place this upcoming weekend (February 19-22) and is loaded with interesting events. Here’s a video overview of the festival itself: You can find the complete schedule ...

Things to Attend . . .

For all of you lucky people living in the great city of New York, here are two fantastic upcoming events that you should try and attend. First off, next Thursday, February 21st at 7pm at McNally Jackson, Stephen Snyder and Allison Markin Powell (both of whom make me swoon) will be talking about Japanese literature in ...

More on the Festival Neue Literatur 2012

We mentioned the Festival Neue Literatur a few days back, and to add to that post, here’s a promotional video the German Book Office put ...

2012 Festival Neue Literatur

The lovely and energetic Riky Stock just sent me a ton of information about this year’s Festival Neue Literatur, which will take place in NYC from February 10th-12th and is curated by the also lovely and energetic Susan Bernofsky. Here’s all the info you need: The Festival of New Literature (February ...